
DRtripMission is the sharing of God’s love and the building of life-changing relationships across any divide. That divide might be as far as the ocean, or as near as Highway 82. Sometimes it’s the barrier of a foreign language, and other times it’s the barrier of local poverty, race, or fear. Both near and far, St. Anne’s is called to reach out in mission, not because we are a “churchified” service organization, but because we shamelessly believe in the power of God’s love to reconcile all people. Interested in taking part in one of our mission trips? Download our ministry directory and contact the appropriate person.

St. Anne’s Ministry Directory

Foreign Mission Trips

The Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic is our companion diocese. St. Anne’s typically hosts one trip a year to Las Carreras in the Dominican Republic to work alongside our sister congregation of Espíritu Santo.

Regional Mission Trips

St. Anne’s occasionally hosts short-term mission trips whenever major natural disasters or other events occur in the southeast.