Christian people live in two different worlds: the world as it is, and the world as God calls it to be.
For that reason, the “outreach” we do through St. Anne’s is about something far greater than civic volunteerism, personal altruism, or simple charity. Christian outreach is about recognizing that God is in the business of healing and reconciling this world, and we are called to be active participants in that healing.
Can we fix everything that’s broken? No. But we can bear witness to God’s love in ways large and small. It begins in our own backyard.
If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about any of the ministries listed below, contact the appropriate person. Contact information can be found in the parish directory, which is available upon request in the parish office.
Food Box
This ministry provides a monthly box of non-perishable (and limited perishable) groceries to families
requesting special assistance. We need different kinds of volunteers: grocery shoppers, box packers,
and deliverers. All non-perishable food items (commercially packaged and non-expired) are needed;
donations can be place in the basket/wagon in the sanctuary’s main entryway. Contact: Libby Robertson.
Emergency Food Bags
This ministry provides a bag of non-perishables that require little, if any cooking. Bags are packed and
ready for those who come to the church office needing food assistance. Volunteers pack the bags that
are stored in the St. Anne’s Outreach Pantry and ready when needed. Ask for a list of items that you
can donate. You can drop off items in the outdoor food drop box located in the covered driveway
beside the Ministry Center Building. Contact: Jimmy Felton.
Knots of Love
This ministry provides knitted, crocheted and other hand-made items to those who are experiencing
illness or bereavement in our community and beyond. This group also makes the crocheted angels
used as gift tags for the Angel Tree gift program. This ministry is open to aspiring and accomplished
knitters and crocheters, etc. We can teach you! Contact: Sheila O’Neal.
Loaves of Love
This ministry shows compassion by baking and delivering bread and cookies to individuals and other
ministries in our community, including Ruth’s Cottage and Brother Charlie’s Rescue Mission. We need
volunteers to help with bake sales. Contact: Art Lawton.
Angel Tree
This ministry provides Christmas gifts to 35 residents of the South Georgia Rehabilitation Center of
South Georgia, near our church campus. Volunteers sign up to purchase a “wish list” gift and deliver
the wrapped gift to the church office. Volunteers can also help coordinate the delivery of gifts and
decorate the Christmas tree in the St. Anne’s Parish Hall. Contact: Mary Alice Applegate.
Suitcases for Kids
Each Christmas, St. Anne’s “adopts” three children who are in foster care in our area, purchasing
clothing, accessories and gift items. Volunteers pick up a “wish list,’ purchase items and deliver them
to the designated drop off location by Dec. 1st. Contact: Mary Alice Applegate.
This mission is a recycling fund-raising program. Currently, we are accepting socks only. Parishioners drop off in a bin in the Parish Hall. Contact: Libby Robertson.
Each quarter, volunteers in this ministry pick up trash on the road adjacent to the Georgia Museum of
Agriculture. Contact: Darrell Walker.
Love Notes
Each month, volunteers send greeting cards to residents at the Rehabilitation Center of South Georgia.