Miqra has been postponed to a later date due to mandatory quarantine for the rector and his family.

Miqra (pronounced meek-rah) is a marathon Bible reading experience wherein a congregation commits to reading the entire Bible out loud over the course of 72 hours.

Why do a Miqra?

First, there’s biblical precedent. (See 2 Kings 22-23, for example.)

Second, it’s good for you. It’s easy to stick to the parts of the Bible you like the most, but Miqra guarantees that you encounter the other parts, too. Plus, in a year when we crave being able to sit in our sanctuary, this gives each of us a beautiful way to come and soak up the peace and beauty of these holy grounds.

Third, it’s good for us as a congregation. Committing to read the whole Bible as a community is an act of love. The last time we did a Miqra was in 2014, and it brought us together and transformed us in ways we never anticipated.

How does it work?

Individuals sign up for one-hour turns to sit in the sanctuary and read the Bible aloud. Each person picks up where the previous person left off so the reading never stops. Reading continues day and night until we reach the end, which usually takes 72 hours.

What COVID-19 guidelines will be in place?

We will follow several safeguards, including:

  • Two reading chairs. Instead of just one reading chair for all, readers will alternate between two. As one reader leaves at the end of their hour, they will sanitize their chair while the next reader begins reading from the other chair. The chairs will be distanced at opposite ends of the Communion rail.
  • Bring your own Bible. Rather than everyone reading from the same Bible, each participant will need to bring their own. Not only will this reduce the risk of contagion, but it will also give us the benefit of hearing from a variety of translations.
  • Masks. Masks will be required for participants. Even if you are the only person in the sanctuary, the unique, ongoing nature of this event necessitates the use of masks.
  • No in-person audience. Only the appointed reader (and one person from their household, if desired) will be permitted in the sanctuary during the event. The entire event will be live-streamed for those who wish to listen or watch.
  • Sanitization. Hand sanitizer and sanitizing supplies will be available for wiping down surfaces between each reader.

Will there be security at night?

Yes. A volunteer will be stationed on the grounds with full view of the primary doorways to the sanctuary and with a computer to see the livestream inside the sanctuary. This person will monitor the sanctuary and gladly escort participants to/from their cars during shift changes. We will also request periodic drive-throughs by the Tifton Police Department.

May I sign up for more than one hour?

Yes! Feel free to sign up for multiple hours and/or multiple days. Just please leave plenty of room for others.

Do I have to do it alone?

No. Readers may bring someone from their household to sit in the sanctuary with them as they read. Some couples choose to sign up back to back. In this case, they should read in turn using the same chair without the necessity for sanitizing between.