Episcopalians believe “how you pray shapes who you are,” which is why the Book of Common Prayer holds such an important place in our life together. Join Fr. Lonnie Lacy, Brandon Medley, and Brian Yost for an eight week adult Sunday School series in which we’ll rediscover the prayer book and its many riches. (Ministry Center room 102, 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Sundays, Mar. 13 – May 8.)

Mar. 13: Introduction
Why we’re drawn to the prayer book and what we’d like to know more about.

Mar. 20: Why We Have a Prayer Book
How the Book of Common Prayer came to be and what it’s really trying to do for you.

Mar. 27: What’s Inside
The ins and outs of the prayer book beyond the “Dirty Dozen” we use every Sunday.

Apr. 3: The Eucharist
What the Eucharistic prayers tell us about God, ourselves, and our place in the world.

Apr. 10: The Holy Week Liturgies
How worship transcends time and space and why everything hangs on Easter.

Apr. 17: Easter – No Class

Apr. 24: The Daily Office
Learning to let scripture and prayer shape our hearts and minds on a daily basis.

May 1: Patterns of Prayer
How the collects and prayers can teach us to pray on our own.

May 8: Hidden Gems
Prayers you never knew existed but are worth taping to your fridge, dashboard, mirror, and heart.

CategoryAdult Formation
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