The Vestry is the elected body of baptized laypersons who assist in the ongoing leadership and decision-making processes of St. Anne’s. There are twelve members elected to three-year terms, plus a treasurer and clerk. In some instances the senior warden may serve a fourth year.


  • Prayer & Presence. While our Rector serves as the primary spiritual leader of our congregation, the ministry of the Church belongs to all baptized members. Our Vestry members are expected to pray daily for the members and ministry of St. Anne’s, give consistently to the needs of the church, and be present in the life of our congregation.
  • Vision & Mission. Along with the Rector, the members of our Vestry are the vision casters for our congregation. Listening for guidance from the Holy Spirit and the members of St. Anne’s, the Vestry continually discerns our way forward in Christ. This can take the form of big-picture long-range planning as well as the simple month-to-month decisions made at Vestry meetings.
  • Oversight & Empowerment. The Vestry has ultimate oversight of the business and financial affairs of the parish. Additionally, each Vestry member serves as a liaison to a ministry area within the church. Vestry members work with the lay leaders in these areas to ensure good communication between our many ministries and to empower our members to serve faithfully and effectively.

Brian Yost

Adult Formation

Erin Campbell

Adult Formation

Jeff Gibbs


Jenna Claire Riddle

Kitchen Ministry

Jill Coogle


Joe Falcone


Karen Smith

Pastoral Care

Kim Jacobs

Youth & Children’s Formation

Lorie Felton


Pam Leonard


Pat Walker


Rich McDonald

Senior Warden

Shelly Schmeisser

Junior Warden

Sherry McCullough


Vestry Elections

New Vestry members are elected from a slate of nominees during our Annual Parish Meeting in November. Nominees must be baptized communicants in good standing; attend worship regularly; subscribe identifiably to the expenses of this Parish; be 18 years of age or older; and be willing to serve. Nominees are named 30 days before the Annual Meeting by a nominating committee composed of the Rector (ex officio), two members of the Vestry, and two members of the parish at large.