The Lenten Prayer Partner ministry gets underway on Ash Wednesday, March 2. Everyone who signs up is secretly assigned a partner for whom they agree to pray daily during Lent and remember weekly with a note or card. In turn, your name is given to someone else who prays for you. On Easter, all prayer partners reveal their identities to one another, traditionally with a gift.

This is a lot of fun, but also a commitment. Once you or your child signs up, please remember to pray daily and remember your Lenten Prayer Partners weekly with a note or card.

This year, all correspondence should be sent via US Mail to remind these individuals they are in your prayers. There will not be a table for this purpose in the Parish Hall.

If you are interested in being a secret Lenten Prayer Partner for someone at St. Anne’s, please fill out the form below (or fill out a hard copy in the church office) by Sunday, February 27. You will know your form was successfully submitted when you see a confirmation message. We will be in touch with details about your Lenten Prayer Partner before Ash Wednesday!

CategoryLent, Prayer
© 2022 St. Anne's Episcopal Church